AOVs and Smoke Vents

What are AOVs and smoke vents? They are important parts of a smoke and fire protection system, that fit in with the rest of the system like fire doors and fire alarms. They are often used in commercial buildings, or buildings of multiple occupancy, like blocks of flats.

AOV stands for automatic opening vent. An AOV is a specialist type of smoke vent that will open up on its own if a fire is detected. It may be linked up to an alarn to trigger its opening.

The main purpose of a smoke vent is to provide aeration in the event of a fire. Smoke is very damaging and can cause many health problems, or even death. Providing a release for smoke is an efficient way to help release it and make the building safer. It could also act as a way for firemen to get in, depending on the type of vent and its positioning within a building.
